As you can tell from the dates, I don’t have much to report. I CAN write that for whatever reason, it feels like my 3 smaller toes are flapping/bending more than before. Perhaps this is to make up for the other two damaged ones, or I have just begun walking funny to try to favor the non-affected areas, If my right knee hadn’t popped the other day, I think I would be much farther along. The job now (as soon as the knee returning to normal) is to exercise and strengthen.

Unless there’s news, I will stop here.

If you read down to here, you witnessed my transition from despair to hope. At the time of my accident I thought I was never going to make it to being able to have my freedom/mobility back. As illogical as that was – fueled by the trauma, that’s exactly how I felt – like looking up at a cliff I couldn’t cllmb. I knew or suspected better, but emotion trumped logic.