The day of the gross-out?
I have been feeling nauseated. Don’t know why. Had a case of the “what-ifs” and general insecurity while trying to sleep last night. I guess that what happens – your vulnerability reminds you of other vulnerabilities of which you’d rather not think.
Later this week might be the first time I drive a car if the doc agrees, as Terri’s car is now repaired and we need a way to get her to the shop where they fix it and overcharge. I am certainly not impaired except for my foot, but what we need to know is how long I can have it in a down position without exploding. Happily, my car requires no manual shifting or I’d be out of luck.
A neighbor who had back surgery told Terri that the ultrasound really helped him heal quickly. Gee, I hope it works on me.
In my mind, today is a really big day: learning how to undress and redress the foot bandages, etc. – My first ultrasound. Another checkup. I hope it brings some good feelings and progress!