Another milestone – I went out in the car by myself and got a haircut. No pain last night or today. Maybe minor discomfort but that’s all. I wonder if I will have any issues left for the pain /trauma psychologist tomorrow? It IS odd, though – when I have the boot off and revert to non-weight bearing via the walker, I feel semi-helpless and don’t at all like the feeling. IN the boot I feel independent and able. There’s quite a psychological change.
The toe, now after several serious showers (lots of hot water) versus my sink baths... is looking much more normal except for the big badass black toenail, and, of course, the wires poking out of big toe and its neighbor. I will be so relieved to be rid of those.
I can’t tell if the ultrasound is working, but it is said to have good effect. It too is painless to the point you can’t feel anything at all.
Today is another wonderful day – bright blue sky and sun. I will sit outside but must figure out something to keep the boot from overheating – maybe tin foil?
Terri is upset that I am being so negative which is at the very same time I thought I had been doing so well. We will have a long discussion about these perspectives.