Today we go to San Antonio... and although this area has only had 6 snows in ten years, tomorrow is supposed to be one more! Yesterday I tried to fit my foot into a more serious shoe – a trail boot. While I could get the foot int there, it was obvious after walking 100 feet that the rubbing and constriction would quickly become unbearable.

I am hoping we can walk some of the beautiful Riverwalk down there. Taking Ibuprofen now, but the toes still look purple or raw. They look worse than they feel.

POSTSCRIPT: December 17


My right knee still bothers me a lot!

After the two week course of Ibuprofen, I was surprised at how much the knee and other joints hurt as they were no longer under the effect of the big I. (The label says if you take too much of it, your liver falls out or something really bad happens, so I stopped, but if I hadn't read the warning I'd be gobbling them like jellybeans at Easter.) Just today I managed to get back into my hiking boots, though I won't be hiking soon.

Doc tomorrow.