I guess it’s a sign of healing that I am complaining. Hard to describe, but what I’d have to call inflammation lives within many of my muscles. Perhaps it is due to selective inactivity (like so much sitting) or extra activity as I have had to make compensatory and unusual contortions.

We will try anti-inflammatory pills to see if they help.

My energy flags as the day wears on – this is not med-related as I am trying to get by with only a half pain pill at bedtime.

Neighbors came for a visit yesterday and for a while the conversation turned to adventures in surgery and bone breaking. It’s maybe a common thread – certainly among older people who’ve been there and done that – one which I’d like to stay away from, but, misery loves company. It was generous of them to stop by and our friendship has deepened several notches because of their kindness and concern.

Terri drove me to a pizza place and we had dinner out. A small step, perhaps, but an important one. It’s time to chart progress.

My goal is to walk – okay, hobble – into the doctor on Tuesday instead of requiring a wheel chair. I couldn’t ‘walker’ in due to the oddly sloping walkway and my lack of muscle, but I think I can do this and certainly will try.